“Change is Nature’s Delight.”

— Marcus Aurelius

Coaching through change helps you

Develop techniques for moving through your change effectively and gracefully. Gain clarity, focus, confidence and motivation to achieve your goal.

Relocation: Expat Syndrome, Culture Shock, Social Integration.

Career: Burnout, Redundancy, Job Search, Career Change, Develop Skills.

Age: Empty Nest Syndrome, Retirement Blues, Quality of Life, Independence.

Weight Loss/Gain: Habits, Self-Esteem, Anxiety, Confidence, Focus.

Menopause: Anxiety, Irritability, Confusion, Concentration, Physical Symptoms, Menopause & Your Job, Group Support. 


Thriving in a time of transition

Emotional responses to change can be similar even when they come from very different places. Anxiety, grief, low self-esteem and irritability generate similar physiological symptoms as a result of many different changes we face. They can be signs of confusion, overwhelm, lack of or misguided focus, insecurity, low confidence or lack of inspiration or motivation. 

And yet, change is inevitable. Whether we choose it or it happens to us, it’s not always as rosy as we’d like and sometimes it leaves us feeling downright raw. Coaching through change is supportive, giving you the time and space for self-discovery. Coaching through change is insightful, opening your mind to new perspectives and opportunities. Coaching through change means being resourceful. As you adjust to your circumstances, you’ll begin to adapt to the change in your life and adopt a new mindset that will carry you forward through many challenges. Coaching through change is life-changing in itself. You’ll delight in the amazing new you that emerges!

Coaching with NLP

Neuro-linguistic Programming is a psychological approach to understanding language and behaviour and how to adjust our thinking and behaviour to achieve desired outcomes. The NLP models are powerful. When using these techniques you’ll experience cognitive behavioural change to finally get the results you want. 

Coaching and NLP go hand in hand. Together they can help you become more flexible and resourceful in the way you approach any challenge and become an effective communicator and problem solver. 

Walk & Talk Coaching

Let your confident, alert and resilient self emerge and take center stage!

Deepening our connections with the natural world

Experiencing the natural world enhances our awareness, providing clarity of mind. It inspires us to be creative, teaches us how to survive and leads us to understand our own nature. Its calming influence on our bodies and minds makes it conducive to long-term planning and goal setting. When we are calm, we allow ourselves the time and space to think through our goals and develop strategies to achieve them. 

Working together in this way gives you the time and space to establish new connections to your existing ecology leading you to develop strategies to overcome the problems unique to you, adapt to change and remain resilient through change.

How this program helps

Feeling Disconnected: To yourself and others.

Difficulty Engaging: At home, work or socially.

Needing Perspective: For a current situation, making decisions, to find answers, for future planning.

Relationship Struggles: With family, partners, friends and colleagues.

Stress & Anxiety: In life, at work, socially.

Adapting to Change: Working together with the coaching through change program.

  A gentle walk or sitting on a park bench may be all it takes to unearth endless ideas.

Everything is at your fingertips.
On the other end of the phone is the support, experience and motivation you need.

Book A Free Consultation Today!

Adjust 3

Make simple adjustments for goals.

  • 6-8 Week Programme
    • Complimentary Discovery Call
    • 3 Coaching Sessions
    • Personal Development Activities

Guide Price: £330

Adapt 6

Most Popular!

Adapt to the changes affecting your daily life.

3-6 Month Programme
    • Complimentary Discovery Call
    • Coaching Intake Session
    • 6 Coaching Sessions
    • Personal Development Activities
    • Email Support

Guide Price: £570

Adopt 9

Adopt a new mindset for outstanding results!

6-12 Month Programme

    • Complimentary Discovery Call
    • Coaching Intake Session
    • 9 Coaching Sessions
    • Personal Development Activities
    • Email Support
    • Personal Wellbeing Kit
    • Journal
    • Mindfulness Activities

Guide Price: £765

DISC Personality Profile

‘To know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves.’ -Socrates

This comprehensive 15-page report provides you with an understanding of your natural preferences and traits. You will deepen your understanding of yourself, how you respond to conflict, your motivations and triggers for stress. Gain insight into how to improve communication for enhanced business and personal relationships, improve personal, professional or academic performance and establish resourceful patterns of behaviour for maximum impact.

DISC personality profile assessments are well-known to transform professional relationships. They are widely used to identify top performers, increase team performance, understand management styles and enhance communication within teams and organizations.

Report comes with Personality Assessment, Communication Tips and Action Plan. Prices start at £120.

Coaching for Relationships

“The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Programme benefits include

  • Improve relationships
  • Understand behavioral differences between you and others
  • Adapt to different personality styles
  • Understand how you prefer to process information
  • Modify your language and behavior for improved communication
  • Get others to respond better to you
  • Know your optimum work pace
  • Understand how you approach tasks and challenges
  • Manage people in any environment
  • Maximize efficiency & productivity



Packages & Pricing

Coaching programs for successful relationships and powerful teams are designed around your personal circumstances that will be assessed during our initial call. 


Successful relationships

Working together for the success of your relationships means opening yourself up, recognizing what is working and a having the willingness to change what isn’t. 

When you understand your own personality preference, and that of your partner’s, you can use this knowledge to improve communication and learn how to work well with one another.

Through a blend of coaching techniques, a willingness to learn and with the aid of the DISC personality preference tool, you can enhance your personal relationships and establish new ones with the same foundation of effective communication, understanding and acceptance.

This program will be designed around you, your relationship and unique situation.

Contact me for more details on how to design bespoke coaching programs for successful relationships.


Powerful teams

Powerful teams are made up of successful relationships.

Working together with your team to improve workplace systems, procedures, communication and collaboration means considering the support, development and resources your team needs to be their best and to drive the business forward efficiently and effectively.

Build the strength of your team from the inside by embracing their different work styles and unique personalities, and celebrate these differences. You have the force. They have the talent. Put it together to make it happen.